When the Mac Classic, Apple’s “next big thing,” hit the shelves in 1991, Alan Klein was among the first “fanboys” to buy one, turning it into his command center for spinning front-page and primetime news stories.
So began his life’s journey from Trekkie to techie, providing the foundation that helped him transform his passion for social justice into cutting-edge digital media strategies.
During the course of his career, he has founded three information and cybersecurity support companies.
Most recently, he served as a full-time staff member at a leading New York City tech firm where he provided tailored IT solutions for over 30 clients.
Alan also conducts cybersecurity workshops for enterprise and social justice organizations; the latter include world-prominent LGBTQ+ activists and nonprofits.
“Alan is disarmingly plain-spoken and easygoing, instilling clients with the confidence they need to gain a toehold in the tech arena and seize agency over their digital devices.”
His areas of expertise include:
Short- and long-range IT infrastructure guidance
Network cloud services
Workstation and mobile device helpdesk support
Creation and implementation of backup management solutions
Digital security
But read his testimonials. His clients will tell you that what truly sets Alan apart from most IT professionals is his ability to communicate and connect with even the most technophobic Luddites.