The Anti-Violence Campaign
Alan Klein, co-Creator and co-Executive Producer
In 1991, as violence against members of LGBTQ community continued to escalate, Alan Klein, Jay Blotcher, and Ken Woodard and put their heads together to figure out a way to stem the rising tide of vicious hate crimes.
With the support of Scott Robbe of Out In Film and Matt Foreman, executive director of the New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, we produced The Anti-Violence Campaign — the first ever television public services announcement campaign aimed at ending the nation’s growing gay-bashing epidemic.
The Anti-Violence Campaign enlisted a celebrity-studded national council that included filmmakers John Waters, Gus Van Sant and Rob Epstein; actors Harvey Fierstein and Scott Thompson; musical sensations Lou Reed, Deee-Lite and Chaka Khan. The campaign was chaired by Susan Sarandon.

Media Releases and News Coverage
In 1991, as violence against members of LGBTQ community continued to escalate, Alan Klein, Jay Blotcher, and Ken Woodard and put their heads together to figure out a way to stem the rising tide of vicious hate crimes.
We produced The Anti-Violence Campaign — the first ever television public services announcement campaign aimed at ending the nation’s growing gay-bashing epidemic.